An eight-day trip through Germany, the itinerary unfolds with a blend of historical exploration and festive experiences. Starting in Munich, delving into its rich Bavarian culture, savoring pretzels and beer while meandering through enchanting Christmas markets. Cologne beckons with its stunning cathedral and more holiday markets, each offering delectable local dishes and glühwein to warm the spirit. Finally in Nuremberg, the haunting remnants of World War II sites juxtapose with the charm of its medieval architecture.

Caribbean Cruise
Family trip to Miami for a 7-day cruise with MSC to the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Saint Thomas.

Coeur d'Alene
A three-day trip to Coeur d’Alene, ID. Spent a day snowmobiling in the Selkirk Mountains, CDA Symphony, and exploring downtown along the Mudgy and Millie trail.

Girl’s trip to Massachusetts for a Rammstein concert and to explore Salem. We enjoyed cheesy witch museums, graveyards, Dunkin Donuts, and so much more.